The Cherry Blossom Buds Cycle Awareness Charting System focuses on more than simply charting the menstrual cycle.  Our programs aim at helping young women understand and embrace the gift of their fertility and the mission and dignity of their femininity.  To assist mothers with the formation of their daughters, Cherry Blossom Buds has written four beautiful pledges and built them into our cycle awareness programs.  Blossom and Bloom each include a unique pledge.  Beauty Revealed incorporates two different pledges, one for girls in high-school, and another for girls who are college-aged.  Each of these pledges corresponds to a different stage of development, as listed in The Truth and Meaning of Human Sexuality. 

The Cherry Blossom Promise is the last of these four pledges and corresponds to the stage, Toward Adulthood.  The girls, who are now young women, are invited to sign The Cherry Blossom Promise when they reach the ages of 18 to 22.

The Cherry Blossom Promise is the culmination of The Cherry Blossom Buds Program; it is a young woman’s promise to follow the Catholic Church’s teachings on Natural Family Planning when she someday enters the sacrament of marriage.  The signing of The Cherry Blossom Promise is a very special moment for mother and daughter.  It marks the fruit of a mother’s formative efforts and reflects the great responsibility that comes with the gift of fertility as young women prepare to enter the adult world.